*fyda pun kena keje sbnrnya.. hak3.. sbb fyda adlh staff gak.. tp dsbbkn dlm masa yg sma fyda pun student, jd fyda akan cuti dulu bru keje.. huhu..
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
UPM cuti!!??
*fyda pun kena keje sbnrnya.. hak3.. sbb fyda adlh staff gak.. tp dsbbkn dlm masa yg sma fyda pun student, jd fyda akan cuti dulu bru keje.. huhu..
Friday, July 24, 2009
Meeting Al-Biruni Club!!!
perniagaan pelajar utk pelajar..
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Yuna oo Yuna..
kursus 'menghabiskan sekolah'..
Friday, July 17, 2009
not feeling well..
Friday, July 10, 2009
1. seekor burung sedang terbang lalu terserempak dgn sebuah kapal terbang di udara. Tiba2 burung itu jatuh ke bawah. Kenapa?
2. pokoknya di atas bukit daunnya di dlm air. Apakah dia?
3. kalau manusia jadi ikan, apakah yg akan terjadi kpd ikan?
4. Bas Parkmay sedang bergerak ke Seremban dgn membawa sorang datuk, seorang wanita dan seorang pelajar. Tiba di Seremban, siapakan yg turun dulu?
5. ikan apa yg sentiasa sejuk?
6. Amin dan Aminah mendapat anak. Kenapa mereka menamakan anak mereka Afifah ?
7. buah apa yg kita langkah dulu sebelum makan ?
8. dlm banyak2 haiwan, haiwan apa yg x pernah duduk ?
9. lepas satu hilang, satu lagi hilang. Akhirnya tinggal ibu yg malang. Apakah itu?
10. andaikan anda seorang konduktor bas. Bas itu pergi ke satu stesen, 5 org diambil. Di stesen kedua, 2 org turun dan 7 org naik.di stesen ketiga, 3 org turun dan 8 org naik. Soalannya, berapakah umur konduktor bas itu ?
11. emak anas ada 5 org anak. Abu, Ali, Ahmad, dan Azizi. Siapakah anak kelima?
12. apakah solat yg ada 3 tahiyat?
13. bagaimana utk naik haji jika x ade duit?
14. apakah tempat yg terkecil di dunia?
15. dlm banyak2 bola, bola apa yg pemainnya hormat?
Jawapannya adalah seperti berikut…
1. burung sedang tutup telinganya
2. daun teh
3. ikan jadi banyak sebab manusia x makan
4. meter bas
5. ikan jaket (gelaran utk ikan cencaru)
6. kerana anak itu perempuan
7. buah dam
8. ikan
9. mancis
10. umur anda
11. Anas
12. solat maghrib masbuk
13. main dam haji
14. setapak
15. bola golf
kredit: http://ohtidak.com/oh-teka-teki-part-1/
zodiak mu..
Selalunya, Horoscope boleh dikatakan agak benar dan mengena. Orang kata, kita tak boleh percaya sangat sebab ianya tergolong dalam amalan-amalan yang kurafat. Tapi nak buat camna, diorang bukan main teka or telek je sebenarnya, tapi melakukan bancian, research dan pelbagai lagi untuk menhasilkan keputusan yang ada kena-kena sikit kat batang hidung kita. Ohtidak.com mempersembahkan…
Tulisan italic kat bawah setiap bulan tu adalah berapa tahun korang akan ditimpa malang jika tak forward’kan entri ni pada kenalan…
SCORPIO – The Intense One
Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or possessive. Hardworking. Great kisser. Can become obsessive or secretive. Holds grudges. Attractive. Determined. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Can be self-centered at times. Passionate and Emotional.
4 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
VIRGO – The Perfectionist
Dominant in relationships.. Conservative. Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to. Hard to please. Ha rsh. Practical and very fussy. Often shy. Pessimistic.
7 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
LIBRA – The Harmonizer
Nice to everyone they meet. Can’t make up their mind. Have own unique appeal. Creative, energetic, and very social. Hates to be alone. Peaceful, generous. Very loving and beautiful. Flirtatious. Give in too easily. Procrastinators. Very gullible.
9 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
ARIES – The Daredevil
Energetic. Adventurous and spontaneous. Confident and enthusiastic. Fun. Loves a challenge… EXTREMELY impatient. Sometimes selfish. Short fuse. (Easily angered.) Lively, passionate, and sharp wit. Outgoing. Lose interest quickly – easily bored. Egotistical. Courageous and assertive. Tends to be physical and athletic.
16 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
AQUARIUS – The Sweetheart
Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality.
11 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
GEMINI – The Chatterbox
Smart and witty. Outgoing, very chatty. Lively, energetic. Adaptable but needs to express themselves. Argumentative and outspoken. Likes change. Versatile. Busy, sometimes nervous and tense. Gossips. May seem superficial or inconsistent, but is only changeable. Beautiful physically and mentally.
5 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
LEO – The Boss
Very organized. Need order in their lives – like being in control. Like boundaries. Tend to take over everything. Bossy. Like to help others. Social and outgoing. Extroverted. Generous, warm-hearted. Sensitive. Creative energy. Full of themselves. Loving. D oing the right thing is important to Leos. Attractive.
13 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
CANCER – The Protector
Moody, emotional. May be shy. Very loving and caring. Pretty/handsome. Excellent partners for life. Protective. Inventive and imaginative. Cautious. Touchy-feely kind of person. Needs love from others. Easily hurt, but sympathetic.
16 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
PISCES – The Dreamer
Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative. May become secretive and vague. Sensitive. Don’t like details Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Kind. Unselfish. Good kisser. Beautiful.
8 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
CAPRICORN – The Go-Getter
Patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious. Tends to be good-looking. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimists. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be unfriendly y at times. Hold grudges. Like competition. Get what they want.
20 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
TAURUS – The Enduring One
Charming but aggressive. Can come off as boring, but they are not. Hard workers. Warm-hearted. Strong, has endurance. Solid beings who are stable and secure in their ways. Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their beauty. Patient and reliable. Make great friends and give good advice. Loving and kind. Loves hard – passionate. Express themselves emotionally. Prone to ferocious temper-tantrums. Determined. Indulge themselves often. Very generous.
12 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
SAGITTARIUS – The Happy-Go-Lucky One
Good-natured optimist. Doesn’t want to grow up (Peter Pan Syndrome). Indulges self. Boastful. Likes luxuries and gambling. Social and outgoing. Doesn’t like responsibilities. Often fantasizes. Impatient. Fun to be around. Having lots of friends. Flirtatious. Doesn’t like rules. Sometimes hypocritical. Dislikes being confined – tight spaces or even tight clothes. Doesn’t like being doubted. Beautiful inside and out.
14 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
p/s: tulisan bwarna biru ialah utk zodiak fyda (libra) & en. comot (sagitarius) ;)
kredit: http://ohtidak.com/oh-what-is-your-zodiac/
maggi oh maggi..
The correct way to cook instant noodles without harming our bodies and health. `Normally, how we cook the instant noodles is to put the noodles into a pot with water, throw in the powder and let it cook for around 3 minutes and then it’s ready to eat.
This is the WRONG method of cooking the instant noodles.
By doing this, when we actually boil the ingredients in the powder, normally with MSG, it will change the molecular structures of the MSGcausing it to be toxic.
The other thing that you may or may not realize is that, the noodles are coated with wax and it will take around 4 to 5 days for the body to excrete the wax after you have taken the noodles.
1. boil the noodles in a pot with water.
2. once the noodles is cooked, take out the noodles, and throw away the water which contains wax.
3. boil another pot of water till boiling and put the noodles into the hot boiling water and then shut the fire.
4. only at this stage when the fire is off, and while the water is very hot, put the ingredient with the powder into the water, to make noodle soup.
5. however, if you need dry noodles, take out the noodles and add the ingredient with the powder and toss it to get dry noodles.
p/s: x tau lak fyda yg selama ni slh cara masak maggi.. pape pun, lempeng maggi mmg sedap.. nyum3.. (http://ohtidak.com/oh-cara-betul-bila-masak-maggi/)
susu bayi x halal..
Peringatan: Bagi yg bakal melahirkan dan sudah melahirkan, diharap hindarkan jenama yg merosakkan aqidah Islam. Demi anak-anak yg soleh dan solehah.
Susu similac ni adalah product Abbott Laboratories selain similac, Abbott Laboratories juga distribute susu-susu berikut:
1) Isomil
2) gain
3) gain plus
4) grow
5) pediasure
6) ensure
berkaitan status halal / tak halal tu, harap kita dapat information a.s.a.p. Info utk kenkawan yg ader anak/adik/anak sedara yg minum susu.
Sorry terpaksa info pasal benda ni untuk pengetahuan mothers to be.. and please inform this to ur ‘mummy’ friends ok. Aku baru dapat info dari Datuk Dr Maamor persatuan pengguna islam malaysia .. susu formula *SIMILAC* diragui status halalnya.Susu ni pun quite famous.. ada di pasaran. Susu tu dipercayai guna hormon manusia dalam proses pembuatannya. Susu tu pun dah dikategorikan tak HALAL dari Persatuan Pengguna Islam Amerika Syarikat.
p/s: fyd adpt info ni dr http://ohtidak.com/oh-susu-baby-tidak-halal/
student life..
Every New Semester
After 1st Week
After 2nd Week
Ada lagi…
Before the Midterm Exam
During the Midterm Exam
After the Midterm Exam
Before the Final Exam
After Seeing the Schedule of the Final Exams
7 Days before the Finals
6 Days before Finals
5 Days before Finals
4 Days before Finals
3 Days before Finals
2 Days before Finals
1 Day before Finals (Night before the Final Exam)
1 Hour before Final Exam
During Final Exam
After coming out of the Examination Hall
After College during Holidays
semut oh semut..
Bangkai semut yang masuk dalam minuman, apa hukumnya meminum air tersebut?
Semut adalah binatang yang tidak mengalir darahnya. Bangkai semut adalah najis yang dimaafkan. Namun, masuk semut pada minuman itu, hukumnya ada 2 keadaan:
1) Semut masuk dalam keadaan sudah mati
Semut itu sudah menjadi bangkai tetapi jika masuk atas ikhtiar manusia, seperti memasukkan gula yang ada bangkai semut, maka air itu najis, tidak boleh diminum. Kalau masuk bukan ikhtiar manusia, contoh seperti ditiup angin selagi tidak mengubah sifat air, maka boleh diminum dengan syarat membuang dulu bangkai semut itu.
2) Semut masuk dalam keadaan hidup
Jika semut itu mati sendiri di dalam air, atas sebab ikhtiar manusia, maka air itu najis dan tidak boleh diminum. Ini boleh berlaku kerana air itu ditapis atau memasukkan gula yang ada semut, atau memasukkan air yang di dalam cawan mengandungi semut. Jika bukan dengan ikhtiar manusia, seperti ia masuk dengan sendirinya atau ditiup angin, maka tidak najis dan boleh diminum dengan syarat bangkai semut itu dibuang dahulu.
kredit: http://ohtidak.com
Thursday, July 9, 2009
lagi dugaan..
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
new sem.. new spirit..
2. siapkan project paper dgn jayanya..
3. kena jd cik pekerja hep yg rajin.. (mna tau let terus keje kt situ pasni.. huhu..)
4. nk lepaskn ujian jpj.. (pasni dh ble bwak kete.. yeyeh..)
Saturday, July 4, 2009
10 soalan tanpa jawapan,,
- Kenapa Tarzan tidak mempunyai jambang?
- Kenapa juruterbang Kamikaze memakai topi keledar?
- Kita tahu kelajuan cahaya, apakah kelajuan kegelapan?
- Kenapa ada istilah ‘tidur seperti bayi’ sedangkan bayi akan terjaga setiap 2 jam?
- Kenapa pembakar roti di’rumah kita mempunyai setting untuk suhu yang tinggi sehingga mampu menghanguskan roti?
- Kenapa lampu peti ais hanya ada dalam ruang sejuk, bukan ruang sejuk beku?
- Kenapa irama lagu A,B,C,D,E,F,G… dan Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star sama?
- Kenapa kita sering menekan butang lif lebih dari sekali?
- Kenapa kita tekan butang remote lebih kuat walaupun kita tahu bateri hampir habis?
- Kenapa anda mula berfikir untuk 9 soalan di’atas yang tidak sesekali membawa apa-apa perubahan?
pastu? lalu? jadi?
in one day..
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
minggu perkasa putra..
kenduri kawin..
optimus prime..

wakaka.. optimus prime ke? huhu.. actually saje je bg gempak tajuk tu.. just nk mention yg fyda dh tgk citer transformers hri jumaat lepas bsama en. comot.. best3.. walaupun seat dh penuh.. pastu tinggal seat plg depan.. fyda ajak en. comot tgk gak mlm tu.. walaupun ley je tgk hri lain.. bengang gak la en. comot sbb kena dongak utk tgk.. huhu.. tp dh lepas stgh jam tgk, hilang sakit tengkuk.. seronok tengok transformers.. fyda bg 10 bintang utk citer tu.. kpd kwn2, tgk la citer tu.. fyda suggest sgt2..